Faith and Works
Subject: Faith and Works
Scripture Reading: James 2
Memory Verse: James 2: 26
Objective: To remind us that faith alone does not get the job done.
1. Why did God promise Abraham that he and his seed would be blessed? Genesis 26: 5
2. What must we do besides loving our Father in heaven? Deuteronomy 7: 9
3. What should we do after we have heard the word of God? Luke 11: 28
4. Will all those who only call on the Lord enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Matthew 7: 21
5. What will be the claim of those who cannot enter? Matthew 7: 22 - 23
Note: There are thousands of preachers (false prophets) today who teach that the Ten Commandments are abolished, and all we need is faith in Christ to be saved. The will of the father is found in the Ten Commandments. These false prophets are the very ones who say, ‘Lord, Lord’ but refuse to do His will.
6. What great contrast is shown in Matthew 7: 24 - 27?
7. Is it the hearer or the doer who will be justified? Romans 2: 13; and what did James say about faith and work? James 2: 14 & 17 - 20
Note: From our lesson, we learned that faith alone is not enough. We must also have works. We must do the things that we believe and teach. It is the doer that shall be justified before God. The doers are those who present their bodies as living sacrifices; those who seek righteousness through prayer daily, and covet the good things of heaven, instead of the treasures of this old earth.