Gratitude – A Christian's Character
Subject: Gratitude – A Christian's Character
Scripture Reading: Luke 17: 11 - 19
Memory Verse: Luke 17: 15
Objective: To reinforce the attitude of gratitude in believers.
Introduction: We sometimes forget that it is expected of us to show gratitude at all times. Many today express gratitude only in circumstances of partiality (respect of person), considered big favours or unfamiliar environments. Today this lesson focuses on the importance of consistent gratitude.
1. What triggered gratitude in a Samaritan man? Luke 17: 12 - 14
2. Describe the action of the grateful man. Luke 17: 15 & 16
3. Identify the source of thanksgiving as recorded in Jeremiah 30: 16 - 19.
Note: We notice here that the experiences we undergo should drive us to give thanks. These experiences are not confined to only major events. We must consciously determine to thank God in all things.
4. How are we now refocused to a greater reason for giving thanks? 2 Corinthians 4: 14 - 18
5. To whom should we direct our thanks? 2 Corinthians 9: 8 - 12
6. How necessary is thanksgiving in our daily christian communication? Ephesians 5: 3 – 7, Philippians 4: 6 - 7
7. Will this attitude of gratitude end any time soon? Revelation 7: 9 - 15
Conclusion: There is an obligation on our part to give thanks to God. Whereas it is important to show gratitude to man, we must pay homage to our heavenly Father. Engaging in this practice of giving thanks, will make us perfect in it, as we strive to honour God with our lives. Become and remain a member of the innumerable company of saints.
Something to think about: There is no place in God’s kingdom for the ungrateful person.