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Mount Zion Sanctuary Assemblies


The Lord's Passover / Supper

Subject: The Lord's Passover / Supper

Scripture Reading: Luke 22: 1 - 23

Memory Verses: Luke 22: 19 & 20

Objective: To acknowledge the significance of the Passover then, and the Lord’s Supper now.

1. What did God say to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt? Exodus 12: 1 - 6

2. What was to be done with the blood of each lamb killed and what was the significance? Exodus 12: 7 & 13

3. How long was the Passover to be kept among Israel? Exodus 12: 14

4. What name did Jesus give to this ordinance? Luke 22: 7, 8 & 15; and when was this celebrated? Matthew 26: 20, 1 Corinthians 11: 23

5. What did Christ institute on the same day? Luke 22: 19 – 20

6. What has Paul left on record about this supper? 1 Corinthians 11: 23 - 25

7. Why is it important that every believer partake of this supper? John 6: 53 - 58

Conclusion: The Lord’s Supper is an annual commemoration of Christ’s death. It is a time when believers reflect on the great sacrifice Christ made for mankind, and as such it is of great importance that as believers, we make the necessary preparation to approach the Lord’s Table. Spiritual Preparation is of utmost importance and should be done by all believers. This is an act of self-examination where we search our souls to see where we are with God and our fellow brethren.

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