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Mount Zion Sanctuary Assemblies


Events in the Middle East - Setting the Stage for Armageddon

Subject: Events in the Middle East - Setting the Stage for Armageddon

Scripture Reading: Joel 3

Memory Verse: Joel 3: 9

Objective: To alert believers of the closeness of Jesus’ return.

Introduction: Jesus informs us in His teachings about discerning the time. We are actually living in the era described in Matthew 24 and Luke 22. Many today are oblivious of what these happenings mean. The church must be fully aware that our redemption is near. This lesson was compiled to bring these realities to the forefront of our minds.

1. Before the nations are brought to judgment at Jerusalem, which tribe(s) of Israel will be there? Joel 3: 1, Zechariah 12: 2

Note: The valley of Jehoshaphat lies between Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives. It is a very long and steep valley extending North and South, and Jerusalem is built right to the very edge of this valley, toward the East.

2. How long did our Saviour say the Jews would be led into captivity, and what conditions would prevail as the Gentile times came to an end? Luke 21: 24 - 27

3. What did the prophet Isaiah tell us concerning the ending of Gentile rule over the world and especially about 'Idumea', Edom? Isaiah 34: 1 - 3, 5 & 6

Note: Idumea or Edom refers to the Arab nations now surrounding little Israel, and determined to destroy her.

4. What do these conditions show us relative to the pending day of vengeance of the Almighty? Isaiah 34: 8

5. State the prophet Zechariah's speech about Jerusalem becoming a point of controversy among the nations. Zechariah 12: 2 & 3

6. Who will be at Jerusalem at this time, and what is said about their strength of conquest? Zechariah 12: 6

7. Identify the type of work to be accomplished before the final showdown comes, and the nations gather against Judah and Jerusalem. Zechariah 12: 7, Romans 9: 27 & 28, Jeremiah 3: 14 & 15

8. How will this controversy over Zion finally end, and what will happen to the armies that go up against Jerusalem? Zechariah 14: 1 - 3 & 12, Joel 3: 16 & 17, Ezekiel 38: 16, 22 & 23

9. Who will be king and what punishment will be inflicted upon the nations who will not acknowledge Him as king? Zechariah 14: 16 - 17

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