Hope in God
Subject: Hope in God
Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 1: 1 - 16
Memory Verse: Jeremiah 17: 7
Objective: To embrace the hope we have when we come and surrender our all to God.
1. What has the resurrection of Christ done for us? 1 Peter 1: 3; and what is further revealed in 1 Peter 1: 4 & 5?
2. For what purpose does Paul say the scriptures are written? Romans 15: 4
3. Why should the words of God be always told to the children? Psalm 78: 4
4. How does Paul speak of the Christian’s hope? Hebrews 6: 18 - 19
5. Even at death, what is said of the child of God? Psalm 116: 15, Proverbs 14: 32; and how are the saints comforted when they lose faithful loved ones? 1 Thessalonians 4: 13
Note: In times of bereavement, the Lord brings comfort in hopeless sorrow. Loved ones are separated from us and we can’t bring them back. But thanks be to God, some golden day break loved ones will be united when Jesus comes for those with a lively hope.
6. What will those who hope for eternity do? 1 John 3: 2 - 3
7. In times of perils, what will be done for God’s people? Joel 3: 16; and how does Titus describe the Christian’s hope on that day? Titus 2: 11 - 13