Keeping Our Conversation Aright
Subject: Keeping Our Conversation Aright
Scripture Reading: James 3
Memory Verse: Psalm 50: 23
Objective: To remind believers of the danger of using unchecked words.
1.State the source and importance of our words? Matthew 12: 34 – 37
Note: King David understands the impact of words and thoughts on the spiritual man. He was conscious of the words he used. This is probably the driving force behind his prayer in Psalm 19: 14.
2. What does the ninth commandment forbid and what admonition was given to Israel? Exodus 20: 16; Leviticus 19: 16
3. To what are the words of a talebearer likened? Proverbs 26: 22; Proverbs 17: 9
4.Identify the effect of restraining talebearing on strife? Proverbs 26: 20
5. What did Solomon say about the spoken words? Proverbs 25: 11
6. Identify the difference between the speeches that are controlled by the Lord and those that are not? Isaiah 57: 19 - 21; And what is one called who can control his tongue? James 3: 2
7. Why should Christians be very careful about their speech, and does the Lord know about words? Matthew 12: 36 - 37; Psalms 139: 4
Note: The one thing that seems so easy and natural for many people is to talk foolishly. There are so many things to say that will amuse people and make them laugh. This is one of the chief forms of entertainment in the world. It is out of place for believers to participate in such foolish idle chatter. Christians have a higher and greater joy than this. We must be engaged in conversations to the edification of the body of Christ.
8. List some sins the Apostle Paul warns the brethren of in Ephesians 5: 3 - 4
Something to think about: Pay close attention to your audience whenever you engage in a conversation.