The Everyday Prayer Life
Subject: The Everyday Prayer Life
Scripture Reading: Colossians 3
Memory Verse: Psalm 55: 17
Objective: To highlight the importance of a dedicated prayer life.
1. In what important matter was David engaged? Psalm 55: 17; and what should be first in our daily activities? Psalm 88: 13; 119: 147
Note: According to the old English word translator ‘prevent’ means ‘to go before’. So, at the beginning of the day, our prayers should go before the Lord to properly start our busy day, thus setting the pace for a victorious life.
2. Who else is an example of a thrice a day prayer life? Daniel 6: 10; and what victory came to him as a result of this practice? Daniel 6: 21 - 23
3. Who else is an example for us to follow? Luke 6: 12; and what can be added to our prayer life? Daniel 9: 3
4. How long was Daniel fasting and mourning for an understanding of the vision? Daniel 10: 2 - 3; and how early was the Angel commissioned to go to him? Daniel 10: 12
5. Who withstood the angel, and how did he get deliverance? Daniel 10: 13
Note: We should learn to pray as Daniel did. He continued to storm the throne of grace until he got an answer. He did not know what stood in the way, but he was confident that God heard his prayers, so he kept praying until deliverance came.
6. Why is it essential to fast and pray? Matthew 17: 14 - 21
7. In what else should the saints be engaged? Colossians 3: 16 - 17