The Greatest Moment
Subject: The Greatest Moment
Scripture Reading: Genesis 1
Memory Verse: Genesis 1: 1
Objective: To remind us that what we see and enjoy now did not happen by chance.
1. After God created heaven and earth, what was its state? Genesis 1: 1 - 2
2. How was God’s awesome power demonstrated? Genesis 1: 2 (last part) & 3
3. State the significance of the lights in and what God did in Genesis 1: 4
Note: As we follow this passage thoroughly, we realize light and darkness came into existence by the power of God. This is rather significant, as most if not all human experiences, may be summed up in this. Our whole life is a demonstration of God's light or darkness.
4. Are we able to identify the entities in Genesis 1: 5 today, and give their relevance to mankind?
Note: The bible categorically states that God created the evening and the morning. This gives us two periods: dark and light. The evening, (darkness), and the morning, (light), completes a full twenty-four hour day cycle. Let’s destroy the theory that a new day starts at midnight. Accept the words of God and acknowledge the true start of a day. The day starts and ends at sunset, as prescribed in the bible.
5. How did God clarify to Israel the start and end of a day? Leviticus 23: 32
Thought Provoking Question: Whose report do you believe?