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Mount Zion Sanctuary Assemblies


The Man in the Mirror

Subject: The Man in the Mirror

Scripture Reading: 2 Samuel 12: 1 - 13

Memory Verses: Micah 7: 18 - 19

Objective: To direct the believers to a greater self-examination.

Introduction: It is said that a photograph shows how you want to be seen by others, but the mirror shows just who you are. In our quest to inherit eternal life, we should understand that the best place to begin is with the man in the mirror. Adjusting our actions by walking in the will of God is essential for us to enter God’s holy kingdom.

1. Before we pronounce judgment on others, what fact does our brother John bring to our attention, and how beautifully does he end his point? 1 John 1: 8 - 10

2. Why is acknowledging and confessing our sins to God so vital? Proverbs 28: 13

3. How easy is it for mankind to see the faults of others and rush to judgment? 2 Samuel 12: 1 - 6; yet how equally swift was this ‘man after God’s own heart’ to acknowledge his wrong doing? 2 Samuel 12: 7 - 13

4. All sins attract punishment, but why did David’s action attract such a heavy penalty? 2 Samuel 12: 14

5. Regardless of the magnitude of our sins, what consolation comes from God’s words? Micah 7: 18 - 19, 1 John 2: 1 & 2

6. When the man in the mirror acknowledges his faults, what is his next move, and how beautiful is restoration? Luke 15: 16 - 24

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